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The Creative Hustler Podcast

Jul 13, 2017

[RECAP] Auguste Crenshaw. Steven, Alan, and Melissa are recapping Auguste’s interview from this past Tuesday. Auguste Crenshaw is a personal development and business strategist coach who in July is bringing together 30+ thought leaders and badass entrepreneurs (including Steven) for the Real Talk for Business Mastery Virtual Summit.  

[00:00] Want the secret to great to great branding? Click here!

[01:34] Why Auguste rocked Steven & Melissa’s lives!

[02:33] Why Zoom is SO much better than Skype.

[02:58] Auguste has a BACKDROP!

[03:40] Creative Hustler is ready to chromakey this shit!

[04:15] More about Auguste and her Real Talk for Business Mastery Summit!

[04:52] Why virtual summits are really where it is at!

[05:37] A little outline of when the Summit goes live, and when Steven speaks!

[06:09] Steven’s Topic: The intersection of creativity & business, your Why, and how your personal brand is MORE than just googling yourself.

[06:28] Your Brand is your life strategy.

[06:42] Coming Soon: The Creative Hustler Summit

[07:10] Barbalicious, Peter, and Joseph - just a few of the Creative Hustler guests.

[07:45] The Boomerang - You move west, and then return east.

[08:00] Bad Netflix Decisions. Leave yours in the comments.

[08:30] Super Pig on Netflix, Steven’s last bad Netflix choice.

[08:40] Don’t give into Analysis Paralysis

[09:39] If you’re not embarrassed by the first product you put out, you waited too long.

[09:57] You just need to do it.

[10:11] That first step is so important.

[10:28] We all have million dollar dreams, but who is going to WORK on it?

[11:02] So many ideas, but not working on all of them.

[11:35] Building an email list is a great first step.

[12:00] Auguste did cosmetology for 12 years.

[12:50] Changing clients to customers.

[13:30] Steven’s line of Creative Hustler wheelchair accessories.

[14:00] The future is bitcoins.

[14:34] Steven’s second virtual summit. It’s like Summer Camp for the entrepreneur.

[15:27] Summit speakers make a community of helping each other out.

[15:35] Join our Creative Hustler community on Facebook!

[16:03] Bringing it back to Yahoo groups.

[16:47] The Facebook groups are vetted for access.

[17:18] Make sure to survey your tribe.

[18:20] Facebook is now the intersection of personal and business.

[18:40] So many friend requests, and not personal.

[19:00] You gotta find the balance with Facebook groups.

[20:10] Entrepreneurship is a spiritual path.

[20:30] Entrepreneurship can make or break you.

[21:10] Changing your personal to your brand.

[21:34] Marty Martini story.

[23:30] Brand isn't always a straight line but it's a spiritual journey.

[24:12] You grow when your business grows.

[24:40] Steven & Melissa met in an Entrepreneur Summit.

[25:00] You need to get your blocks out of the way.

[25:45] August has such POSITIVE energy!

[26:00] Sometimes you have to GET AWAY to improve.

[26:47] Check out Steven’s live webinar on July 26th!

[27:15] Steven was a part of the Tuba Team at the Olympics.

[27:45] The story of the Sousaphone.

[29:08] There's always a journey to end up where you are.

[29:36] Getting laid off kicks you onto your spiritual path.

[30:00] Life and relationships are a part of the spiritual journey.

[30:23] Check out Real Talk for Business Mastery Summit

[30:42] Join our Facebook group & Please leave us a review!

[30:22] Melissa’s Moment of Hustle


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Just google her!