Jul 20, 2017
[Recap] Steven, Melissa and Alan recap Tuesday’s interview with Zoe Bejörnson. Zoe is the product marketing manager for About.Me -- she’s a world traveler, side hustle evangelist, and a badass global networker who has a love for User Experience.
[00:00] Get the secret to a lasting brand!
[00:55] What’s up Creative Hustlers?
[01:05] Tuesday’s episode featured Zoë Bejörnson.
[01:21] Umlauts, or the dots over letters.
[01:49] Zoë is a ball of energy.
[02:18] Zoë is product marketing manager at about.me
[02:52] about.me is an easy to build landing page.
[03:40] about.me is all about the side hustle.
[04:00] The biggest barrier for hustlers: Where to Start.
[04:30] about.me is the hipper MySpace. It’s an online resume.
[05:06] about.me skips the website building learning curve.
[05:28] Zoë reached out to US from Fiji.
[05:55] Fiji is on the opposite side of the planet.
[06:15] You can’t see the stars in big cities.
[06:44] Zoë’s RemoteYear - one city a month for a year.
[07:11] Victor Kung did a similar type trip
[08:00] Digital Nomad culture have Baby Boomers and GenXs.
[08:33] Video conferencing has been around for awhile.
[09:00] 100th Episode will be in a Hot Air Balloon.
[09:56] Zoë didn’t have a favorite city, but she had some that disappointed her.
[10:30] Every country is awesome until you add in politics and issues.
[11:00] Zoë’s London experience wasn’t the best location.
[11:15] Alan has relatives in London, sorta.
[11:58] Remote Years for families? Email us if you know about it!
[12:19] Join our Facebook Group already
[12:38] Zoë’s RemoteYear gave her confidence.
[13:00] Therapist Melissa helps us leave our baggage behind.
[13:40] Simon Sinek says millennials have confidence issues due to culture.
[14:00] GenX & GenY were told to get stable jobs, and not take risks.
[16:00] GenY didn’t have instant gratification.
[15:30] We can’t base our life on metrics - we lose empathy.
[16:10] When people travel, they find empathy and humility.
[16:45] Confidence comes from the humility and uncertainty of travel.
[17:19] The RemoteYear changes you.
[17:35] Many people are taking this Remote Year concept to heart.
[18:10] The uncomfortable situations are where you GROW.
[18:40] Zoë would share a coffee with her #CreativeHustler grandmother.
[19:29] The original user experience happened in the house.
[19:50] Zoë’s grandmother created a lazy susan to make the space more useful.
[20:20] Grandparents really give you a different perspective.
[21:00] Zoë is interested in User Experience and the customer journey.
[22:00] Emotional moment talking about Zoë’s grandmother.
[22:40] Please, please, please join our Facebook Group! We have songwriters to SEO experts!
[23:47] Please leave us a review!
[24:05] Peace out!
[24:15] Melissa’s Moment of Hustle