Dec 15, 2017
[00:30] What’s up Creative Hustlers!
[01:20] Melissa is a member of founders society, and answers questions on a monthly basis.
[01:53] The idea of the imposter syndrome.
[02:00] What is imposter syndrome?
[02:25] Facebook, and the funk from comparing.
[03:25] Facebook is just a highlight reel, not real life!
[04:00] People don’t show all the failures to get to success.
[04:20] Success and failure is just an ebb & flow.
[04:40] You need to PIVOT your focus.
[05:06] Shout out to Sarah Hernholm at WIT!
[05:00] It’s not about what happens to us, it’s about the bounceback!
[05:25] You have two choice, you can doubt everything, or just accept the fact that everyone has felt worse in their journey then you!
[06:09] Tina Turner renounced american citizenship to live in Switzerland, and found more success there.
[07:25] The important thing to focus on is your long-term goals!
[08:00] You need to set your short-term goals to match up to your long-term goals!
[08:20] Are you taking on too many things and keeping busy, just thinking everything would be a success?
[09:03] Creating value is so important.
[09:20] It’s about nurturing the relationship with your tribe to be successful.
[10:20] Just being busy is taking away from your long-term goals!
[10:28] Peace out, Creative Hustlers!
The Creative Hustler Facebook Community